2021-10-26 Cashless payments surge in 9 months Cashless payments surge in 9 months. Cashless payments in Vi... カテゴリー News/Today's English/Vietnam
2021-10-25 【注意】Amazon偽装のスパムメール Amazon偽装のスパムメール 送信元のメールアドレスのドメイン”cn”からアマゾンを装ったスパ... カテゴリー China/IT/News/Security
2021-10-20 Digital technology projected to earn US$74 billion for Việt Nam by 2030 Digital technology projected to earn US$74 billion for Việt ... カテゴリー News/Today's English/Vietnam
2021-10-17 Digital transformation is vital to business recovery Digital transformation is vital to business recovery. Digita... カテゴリー News/Today's English/Vietnam
2021-10-15 Vietnamese girls join global programme on female leadership Vietnamese girls join global programme on female leadership.... カテゴリー News/Today's English/Vietnam
2021-10-10 Over half of Vietnamese businesses suffered a cyber attack in the past year Over half of Vietnamese businesses suffered a cyber attack i... カテゴリー News/Today's English/Vietnam
2021-05-09 Today’s English “Pandemic gives push to digital transformation, SMEs urged to join in the race” Pandemic gives push to digital transformation, SMEs urged to... カテゴリー News/Today's English/Vietnam
2021-05-04 AWS Cloud Watch RDS アラート設定 AWS Cloud Watch RDS アラート設定 AWS EC2, S3, RDS, ALB, Route 53&#... カテゴリー AWS/IT